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We have now updated the forums and moved the VIP Section and Public Forum away from each other.

There are no longer 4 public forums for each product, but 1 public forum only. This will make everything a lot easier along with looking better.

Public Forum will now be displayed on the home page like this:


The public forum is the only thing visible for guests and members until they purchase something of course - which will give access to the "Private Area".


This is what the Private Area looks like:


The private area will only show what you have purchased, so for example, if you have only purchased Project Orange & Absolute, those are the only ones that will show up. Example on the image below.



This will make it a lot easier to navigate through the forums, along with being easier for new members to understand how things go around here.

We have also added a chatbox for all Premium Users. 


That's it - Have a good day.

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